Monday 23 June 2014

Cliffs Notes

Hello, McFly. Time travels fast.

Here is a list of things that happened in the last 14 months that would've been given their own blog post if I wasn't the kind of person that I am. I will include the Cliffs/Crystals Notes of each event to get the internet caught up on my whereabouts.

Attended two Quidditch World Cups
I've been working with the International Quidditch Association for a couple years now. Last year, my World Cup logo design was posted at Universal Studios Islands of Adventure at the Wizarding World of Harry Potter! This year, it was permanently tattooed onto a real, Australian human being. Both experiences were as mind-blowing as the twist at the end of Prisoner of Azkaban.

Visited South Korea
I got to visit friends, eat a baby octopus and watch tiny fish eat the dead skin off of my feet...isn't that what everyone looks for in a vacation? I thoroughly enjoyed my relaxing and adventurous time in that beautiful country! It was good for my Seoul.

Started a new job
This was my first time consciously making a decision to move from one job to another. As someone who develops stress ulcers over the 'where should I go to lunch today' question, this was a difficult decision.

Visited Bob Ross' grave
Not as creepy as it sounds...I promise. But my friends and I did have a picnic on his grave while painting happy trees. I hope that someone honors me in this way posthumously. At the very least, I hope people visit my grave to exchange low quality puns and eat high quality cheese.

I was a guest on a local cable television show
No big deal.

Got re-tweeted by MC Hammer
Big deal.

I'm pretty sure I know every word on Will Smith's Big Willy Style album, so I figured it was only a matter of time before I'd move in hip-hop circles. That's just how I get jiggy wit it.

I turned 30
In YEARS. And it included a surprise trip to Washington DC and NYC, so...yeah, I'd gladly turn 30 again. Totally bypassed that Barbie party I had as a youngster.
Look at that face!! I've always taken birthday wishes very seriously. I still approach a birthday candle with the reverence and respect that it deserves.

Got to see Mumford & Sons perform
I don't even care how 'white girl' this makes me. I am a white girl. And this show was amazing. AND this outdoor event marked my first time playing the ever-so-smelly "is that pot or not?" game. FYI - I am not good at that game.

GOTR - "Gentlemen of the Road," with my gentleladies of the road. This is the first time we decided to create and wear matching tank tops to mark a special occasion. The tanks say This Train is Bound for Glory.

Co-founded a book club
I'm the only one in the club who didn't finish reading the ONE book we chose to read (Grapes of Wrath). However, I did successfully listen to both Mindy Kaling and Tina Fey's autobiographies.

Side note: I highly recommend both autobiographies! Grapes of Wrath is pretty good so far (you know, for a Pulitzer/Nobel Prize winner and all...), but has received 100% less laughs from me. Who knows, maybe Steinbeck includes a silly anecdote about a wardrobe malfunction in the second half of the book. Fingers crossed.

Attended a taping of the Tonight Show
I can confirm that Jimmy Fallon's suits fit just as well in person as they do on screen.

More matching tank tops. Because...being an adult should rarely be taken seriously. 

So yeah, it has been a while. But internet, I believe we are now caught up with all the important news of my life. I hope we can still be friends.