Wednesday 25 April 2012


I have no discipline.

Whenever someone asks me, "Why don't you have a blog?" my usual answer is:

I have bad luck with blogs.

That is a lie. Well, a lie with some partial truth to it...but please don't let me get away with this ridiculous excuse. 

This blog is...I 7th blog.

Xanga was a horrible/amazing website that defined most of my college life. I LOVED my Xanga. It was the Facebook of "my" day. It kept us connected to each other on campus without having to go through the awful process of practicing face-to-face conversation. It kept us entertained, distracted from homework, and filled with a daily dose of drama. Still, reading through my posts (and the comments my friends made on them) is like jumping in Doc Brown's DeLorean. Some of my posts on Xanga were very deep, heartfelt essays...but I'm pretty sure my "blogumentary" on Little Richard and my random science experiments on frozen raw egg could've won me a Pulitzer.

My college roommates and I anticipated post-graduation separation anxiety, so we set up a shared blog that we all promised to update once per month. We purchased a skirt that *magically* fit each one of us, and promised to mail it around to each one of the 4 bloggers. There were rules, there was a contract, there were was very official. However, most of us usually forgot to update about our lives on the blog.

I need to get one thing straight: only two girls were actually ever in possession of the magical skirt. Those two girls are now the only two out of our group who are married and have kids.

I'm not bitter. Just stating facts.

I don't remember why I had a LiveJournal. I think it just made me feel significant to write down insignificant things. Still does. Not many posts made it on here...just general thoughts about working in an office and how annoying eye twitches are.

Modern-day missionaries are expected to have a blog, so when I became an official, visa-toting missionary for two years, I attempted to keep a blog of what was going on in the UK from my point of view. I felt a lot of pressure to be overtly spiritual, so most of the words on that blog don't always sound like me. Most of what was actually going on in my life and mission work never made an appearance on that blog out of fear that I'd lose all my financial support if people found out how crazypants my heart and mind were becoming throughout the process of learning to live in a spiritually desolate culture.

I had been looking forward to one specific birthday my entire life -- 11/11/11. Right after 11/11/10, I set up a blog to update everyone on how awesome my life was going to be on 11/11/11. However, a couple of months after this blog was created, I was given a job that required me to be at work for about 12 hours on 11/11/11. I was devastated, and I refused to update the blog any further.

I'm such a baby..."My stable job ruined my birthday plans." #firstworldpains

Turns out, 11/11/11 was actually the best birthday I've ever had. Perhaps I'll blog about that some day. Or perhaps some day I'll learn to not stomp my feet like a child when my expectations in life aren't met.

I planned to go on a mission trip to Cambodia, so I created a blog about it. The purpose of the blog was to raise funds while saving money on postage...and to be green. But mostly to save money on postage.

Then, the mission trip to Cambodia was unexpectedly cancelled.

Is my blogging journey cursed?

Here I am again. I didn't create this blog for any specific reason, so I have no excuse to suddenly stop writing. I DO, however, have reasons that I need to blog. Mostly, I love writing. I'm a creative person, and writing is yet another creative outlet that I need to challenge and discipline myself in.



So, if you're looking for a consistent place to find a challenging message from a deeply spiritual, mature ain't here. However, if you don't mind some random, frantic posts about Little Richard or eye twitches while I experiment with my ability to write about things worth writing down...I'm your girl. :)